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Read more articles about Women's heritage

Kit Coleman: Journalism pioneer
Kathleen Blake Coleman, known to her readers as “Kit,” stood out among Ontario’s women journalists of her day because of her obvious talent, lively writing...
![“Mayor Oliver: Wonder who told them we didn’t encourage the suffragette movement in Toronto?”, [photograph], ca. 1910, Newton McConnell fonds, C 301-0-0-0-996, Archives of Ontario.](
Key dates and figures in the women’s rights movement in Ontario and Canada
1851: Women were officially excluded from voting in all Canadian legislative elections in British North America. 1853: Mary Ann Shadd Cary established the Provincial Freeman...

Shining a light
When I was young, my mother strongly encouraged me to pursue a career. She knew that for her generation, even after graduating from university, there...

Working for the greater good: Women’s voluntary organizations in the early 20th century
In 1911, women made up 13.5 per cent of the workforce in Canada. By 1951, that number had risen to 22 per cent. While few...

The cult of Doris
Living to 100 is only the latest feat in the life of the singular painter Doris McCarthy, who once cut off her finger for her...

Practices and attitudes die slowly: Sexual assault legislation and activism in Canada
In 1967, during a decade of social change and revolution, the federal government launched the Royal Commission on the Status of Women to address the...